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"Climate Change, The Most Urgent Threat...": Leonardo DiCaprio

The 88th Academy Awards at The Dolby Theatre on Feb. 28 proved to be lucky for Leonardo DiCaprio, 41, who won the Best Actor Oscar for his ...

The 88th Academy Awards at The Dolby Theatre on Feb. 28 proved to be lucky for Leonardo DiCaprio, 41, who won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in The Revenant. 

It was fully deserved and thoroughly worth waiting for in your 5th nomination! And he told us to be aware of climate change.

This year’s Best Actor category was one of the closest to call in years. In fact, it was nigh-on impossible to judge who should win out of this talent! Eddie Redmayne gave a sterling transgender transformation performance in The Danish Girl, while Matt Damon in The Martian was spellbinding.
Leornado DiCaprio

The always reliable Michael Fassbender was as good a Steve Jobs we’ve ever seen and Bryan Cranston was awesome as a movie maker in Trumbo. On winning his award, Leo thanked his “brother” Tom Hardy.

“Your fierce talent can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen.” He gave a shout out to director Alejandro González Inarritu, who he said he was thankful to work with.

Leo also spoke of climate change. “Climate change is real,” he told the audience. “(It’s) the most urgent threat facing our species. We need help around the world.”
Climate Change Is Real 

Earlier on the red carpet, Leo looked the picture of elegance in a classic tux accentuating his gentlemanly style and screaming pure class. Maybe we’ll see him as the next James Bond?

Last year Eddie swept the board, winning the Best Actor Oscar for his performance playing Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything. That was also the same year Birdman, directed by The Revenant director Alejandro won Best Picture. - Online Sources 

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