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Mexico Femicide: 7 Women Die Daily in Gender Violence

An ongoing crisis of femicide and gender violence in Mexico is killing women at a rate of seven per day and subjecting dozens more to viole...

An ongoing crisis of femicide and gender violence in Mexico is killing women at a rate of seven per day and subjecting dozens more to violence.

In an ongoing femicide crisis in Mexico, seven women were killed every day on average across the country in 2013 and 2014 and dozens more faced other forms of gender violence, according to the national statistics institute known as Inegi.

Violence against women is a “widespread social practice” and is a major problem to confront in Mexico, La Jornada reported Tuesday.
Women Power: Demonstration in Mexico 

According to Inegi statistics, 63 percent of Mexican women over 15 years of age have experienced some form of gender violence, which could include physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological violence as well as economic forms of abuse such as discrimination in the workplace.

“Irinea Buendia tells the case of her daughter, a victim of femicide in the state of Mexico, says ‘I demand justice.’”

Perpetrators of violence against women are strangers or people known to the victims, as in the case of abuse between partners, which is usually where physical violence occurs, according to Inegi. Economic abuse and economic control of women also often happens within a partnership or marriage.

The highlighted gender violence statistics come ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Wednesday.

Despite more than 44,000 women murdered in the past three decades, according to official statistics, few perpetrators have been brought to justice. An impunity rate of more than 95 percent in femicide cases fuels violence against women.

In some Mexican states, femicides are 15 times higher than the global average. - Online Sources 

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