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Ntsiki Mazwai: Dlamini-Zuma Not Fit to Run South Africa

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma believes she has one foot into the presidential palace, and trusts that she will make history as South Africa’s firs...

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma believes she has one foot into the presidential palace, and trusts that she will make history as South Africa’s first female president – but controversial poet Ntsiki Mazwai disagrees.

“To me Nkosazana Zuma looks like a zombie. We don’t hate her. She just doesn’t represent us.

“I just find her post about women so inauthentic. There are women in this country who embody women empowerment in their actions. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is not one of those women,” tweeted Ntsiki.
Ntsiki Mazwai

Dlamini-Zuma, former AU president and member of the ANC Women’s League’s National Executive Committee, got more than she bargained for after she posted on Twitter that having a woman president would change the country for the better.

“If we elect a female president, we can empower and fast-track women’s emancipation,” presidential hopeful Dlamini-Zuma tweeted.

Social media users were quick to criticise her. Many said she does not deserve to be president and that there were far better women around to lead South Africa.

Some Twitter users agreed with Ntsiki.

Thabo Phumo tweeted: “She is Jacob Zuma’s puppet on a string.”

Jeqe kaShaka said: “During his midnight Cabinet reshuffle, the president said we need young people to breathe life into government. But all those presidential candidates are old.” - Daily Sun

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