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Zimbabwe Coalition: Tsvangirai in GNU Dilemma

Harare - MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, is engaged in behind the scenes discussions with President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the formation of ...

Harare - MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, is engaged in behind the scenes discussions with President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the formation of an inclusive Cabinet that could help unite the nation’s deeply-divided citizens.

According to MDC insiders, Tsvangirai has been in constant touch with emissaries from Mnangagwa, who is keen on having the former prime minister’s proxies in his Cabinet in a bid to refresh the poisoned political atmosphere fueling the current malaise.

The Government of National Unity refers to Zimbabwe's coalition government that was formed on 13 February 2009 following the inaugurations of Morgan Tsvangirai as Prime Minister and Thokozani Khuphe and Arthur Mutambara as Deputy Prime Ministers. 
GNU Dilemma in Zimbabwe

It is a coalition organized among President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change, and Mutambara's MDC, as agreed to during recent negotiations.

Following the deal's signing, a "sticking point" for the implementation of the agreements in the fourth quarter 2008 was the allocation of Cabinet positions between the two MDC factions and ZANU-PF, particularly the Home Affairs Ministry. 

It stopped the negotiations' progress until late January 2009, when the MDC-T agreed to share the Ministerial portfolio with ZANU-PF on a rotating basis, as advised by the Southern African Development Community. 

The GNU and its implementation framework achieved a number of things for all the three political parties and the people of Zimbabwe as a whole. 

However, two years later Zanu PF and Mugabe claim the inclusive government is not working well. 

This is in spite of the fact that the agreement and its attendant governance structure — the GNU — gave Mugabe legitimacy and the people of Zimbabwe room to breathe in a much better economic environment. - Daily News

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